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Posts tagged “tight access”

High Reaching Solutions were asked to supply a solution to an awkward situation in Leeds. Decorators needed to work safely at height, 11 meters up and in a relatively confined internal space. 
They needed Scarlett Grace, our Platform Basket 13.80 Hybrid narrow tracked spiderlift as she was small and able to set-up and operate in a confined area. With her outrigger footprint of less than 3 meters, both in width and length and her boom just short of 3.5 meters in length without the basket attached. She also had negative tail-swing and her lithium batteries kept noise down to a whisper and engine fumes were non-existent, which is ideal for working internally. 
Scarlett Grace going through offset doors
Internal view where Scarlett Grace needed to get to
Our client of several years had a project in Leeds to decorate the exterior of an apartment block. Most areas were easy to gain access to via a mobile boom lift, however the rear created somewhat of a challenge for them due to the restrictive narrow access. 
On realising the difficulties of the task they gave High Reaching Solutions a call and ask for Selina, our Platform Basket 22.10 EVO Hybrid. Having used her before they knew her 10.5 meters of outreach at 11 meters up and multi positioning stabilizer settings ensured that their experienced decorator would be able to get to the furthest point they needed to from the restrictive setup space. 
They also knew that she was very quite when using her Lithium Ion batteries. 
The narrow start of Selinas, the tracked spider, journey to her work area.
This photo shows the narrow and awkward path Selina the tracked spiderlift had to take on the start of her journey to the work area. 
The next view of Selinas continuing journey down a narrow path to the work area
After negotiating the narrow start as shown above Selina would need to continue her journey down this narrow and restrictive path.  
Great care would also be needed so as not to damage the established vegitation in the garden, which at times would be very difficult and time consuming to do.